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Tuesday 12 May 2009


The more I delve into the world of religion, the more confused I become. The connections between the various strands of Christianity should be a positive link between them all. Instead, they bicker and squabble about when Easter should be celebrated and even if it should be celebrated at all.
Christianity and Paganism have lots in common with regard to conflict, the Wiccans believe in one set of deities, Norse in another and the Druids yet more.
The connections between Christianity and Paganism beggars belief. "A messiah, born of a virgin, visited by Magi/Wise men etc. Gifts, miracles. The very fact that the major Christian festivals fall either in or close to the major Pagan ones should tell us something about what is original thinking and what is not.
Whether all this makes sense, I don't know. There will definately be more confused ramblings in the future.