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Wednesday 4 August 2010


I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJ was talking about rock stars who are still alive, but should really be dead. He mentioned Ozzy Osbourne who was interviewed a while back. Ozzy was asked if he had any regrets about his life and he replied," no,I don't regret anything."
I don't buy that for one minute. Surely anyone who has lived their life the way he has, must have regrets. I could fill a book with my personal regrets.
I have to say that 99% of people who say that they have no regrets, are not being honest. Just my personal opinion.
It's the 5th August 2021 and I'm reading old posts. This post stood out as one for a complete rethink. Whilst I believed what I wrote then, I have had a complete reversal of opinion. I have since faced and come to terms with most of my regrets. I now understand what Ozzy Osbourne was getting at. Everything that has happened in his life has led him to where he is now. He seems far more content and happy in his life. I can relate to that but whilst I still have one or two issues to deal with, I also am in a good place in my life. 
Opinions change and thankfully, the original one has changed for the better.
Till next time.