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Thursday 24 March 2011


Why oh why did Gordon Brown give complete control of the country's finances to the bank of england? It only took them and the rest of their HBOS, RBS, Lloyds, and so on criminals (allegedly) to bring the country to it's knees. Greed, that's what it was. They ALL had their little piggy snouts in the trough. Did Cameron plan to change it? NO because it won him an election, all be it with the help of his lib dem lapdogs. To answer the first question, HE WAS TOLD TO give up governmental control. The collapse was deliberately caused by the globalist minority who in effect, RULE US ALL.
Why are Camerons cuts hurting the most vulnerable in our society? Because him and all of his piglets DON'T CARE. They don't care for anyone but themselves. We are just cannon fodder to them. I have more to say but I'm too angry at the moment, I would probably start preaching revolution if i continued. It couldn't come to that could it?

Tuesday 22 March 2011


This is a post encouraging everyone to use their vote in the forthcoming Scottish elections.
This is also a post encouraging everyone living in Scotland to NOT vote in any westminster elections. Just imagine the confusion that would cause. At the moment, any vote cast in Scotland helps the tory slaves of multinational globalist companies remain in power. The effect of nobody voting here in Scotland would make them sit up and take notice. The Scottish parliament would have a case for taking over ALL the day to day running of the country. We have the power to effect change in this country. We only have to stand up and be counted. We must at least try and stand up to these faceless so called businessmen and let them know that we know what they are up to and we are prepared to fight them and BEAT them.

Get Us Out

An open letter to he British government.
Get us out of this illegal war in Libya. We have no right to be bombing innocent civilians. We have no right to be trying to instigate a regime change. This is all being done for one reason and one reason only. Our big business masters want access to Libya's oil. They don't give a toss for civilians, in fact, the more that are killed, the better they like it. There is a distinct possibility that an invasion has already been planned and all it will take is for two or three American or British planes to be shot down. If that doesn't happen, we will be told lies to the effect that it has happened. I am not a Qaddafi sympathiser but he might just be the lesser of the two evils. I fear for the safety of our troops if it comes to that.
Also, get us out of Afghanistan. It is not a war we can win and it has cost too many lives already, both allied and civilian.
More to come. I'm only getting started.