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Thursday 5 March 2015

Musings on the Now.

I watched a movie on Youtube last night called "Peaceful Warrior" and while it was a good enough movie, it did start me thinking about a few things. We seem today to be looking either into both the future and the past far too much, there is not enough concentration on the "now" which to my way of thinking should be the most important time of ones life. The past is finished and as for the future, well, who really knows what the future will bring. Also, when meeting a friend for instance, he or she will ask "what's happening?" The answer often given is "nothing." When you think about it, there is always something happening, be it news on TV or radio, or just a leaf falling off a tree and brushing your cheek. Alertness seems to be a lost art but it is an art that we would do well to revive. Human emotions. Good or bad? Most would say good but, uncontrolled emotions leads us often to uncontrolled actions which in turn lead to uncontrolled lives. Controlled emotions, on the other hand lead to balance, harmony and clear thought and therefore, control of both ourselves but also our lives.
Till next time.