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Thursday 5 September 2024

It's been a while.

It's been a while since my last post mostly because of health issues which I won't go into. 
This once great country has sunk into a pit of self destruction due to a succession of governments that have promised to lead the country to better times but have instead lead us into an economic black hole fuelled by a fanatical pursuit of totally useless and unachievable climate goals. Also, the new Labour government have said that vulnerable pensioners will lose their winter fuel allowance whilst giving millions of pounds to Africa to help them with their unachievable climate goals, and the endless stream of money given to Ukraine. Combine all that with even more Draconian online speech laws especially when criticising Islam, we seem (are) to be witnessing the birth pangs of a police state. Whilst criticism of Islam is stamped on, criticism of Christianity is almost encouraged. Not forgetting the ongoing clown world obsession with calling men, women. The whole world is reaching the stage a volcano gets to just before a major eruption, exactly what the eruption will look like, your guess is as good as mine. The only certainty is, it won't be pretty. 
Definitely more to come, so untill next time.