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Friday 13 January 2012

Are Ancient Texts Relevant Today?

I have been fascinated for years by the Apocrypha, books rejected from the bible. I have read a few of them but my understanding of them leaves a lot to be desired. At the moment I am in the process of reading the R.H.Charles translation of the Book Of Enoch. I am actually only on the introduction at the moment, but this is what I wanted to blog about. He is talking about the people who were connected with the actual writing of the Book Of Enoch and it struck me that they were experiencing a lot of the same problems with their society that we are experiencing now. I quote "the Apocalyptists despaired of the world in which they lived" Quite appropriate for our time as well, and he goes on to say,  "a world in which the godly were of no account, while the wicked seemed too often triumphant and prosperous." I know that I often feel this about the society I live in, which is a society that cares more about what various waste of space celebrities are getting up to than what their immediate family are doing. We live in a morally corrupt age in which greed is good, to quote from a movie of a few years ago. Human life is cheap as we see on our TV news programmes and documentaries. We have become numb to stories of mass hunger and poverty throughout the planet and we are being conned by the news that it is caused by human caused climate change. Thankfully, that lie is slowly being exposed for what it is, a complete load of nonsense. However, good things have come out of it, like conservation and re-cycling to name two. i am getting off my original train of thought. My main point to this post was that I hear from many sources that these books have no relevance in modern times. Personally, I believe that to be a load of rubbish. Whether the writings are literally true or not, I think the message that is given to us is what matters. Did Jesus, Abraham, Elijah, Solomon, David etc. actually live? Maybe they did, or maybe they didn't (I have an open mind about that) the message is just as relevant today as it was then. My studying continues.

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